What a rag tag bunch of chairs we found. Four to be exact. $20 bucks for all four off Craigslist.
The nice thing is I didn't have to saw off the legs. I just unscrewed the attached swivel components.
Voila! A perfectly good seat for a swing. We cleaned them up, had the hubs drill some holes.
Then we primed them with a primer called gripper. I read that it was the best.
So heck, lets give it a whirl.
Ok all primed and ready for the next step. We have some blue and orange paint that I think will be perfect. It's mostly Krylon spray paint that we picked up at a garage sale down the street, but we also use Rustoleum (And the beers are a must, so is the bikini top I wore in the hot sun. A tan and a project is technically multi-tasking)